January 23, 2020
We're happy to announce that Asemblance is available on Nintendo Switch!

Stuck? Need help? Want to join the community discussion to unlock the deepest secrets of Asemblance? Join the Asemblance Discord discussion today!
Discord for Asemblance discussion
August 3, 2018
We're happy to announce that Asemblance: Oversight is now available on Xbox One!
May 24, 2018
Know Issues that should be resolved:
Getting stuck in the kitchen in the endgame
Starting a "New Game" sometimes started the new game in a broken/blocked state.
A handful of other issues, but nothing that should have affected endgame puzzles.
Sorry for any inconvenience these bugs have cause!
May 24, 2018
Asemblance: Oversight is now available on PS4 and Steam. And if you're already playing, we hope you're having a fun time!
As many of you know, the puzzles in the Asemblance endgame can be somewhat challenging and often require a community effort. But that's part of the fun, right? For those of you looking to team up with other Asemblance players to unravel the deepest mysteries, the community is working together on reddit and discord:
Discord for Oversight ARG discussion
Team up and join the community effort today! You never know what you'll discover together.